TJ Robertson

Here is TJ Robertson’s story in his own words:

I graduated in 1990 from a very rural high school (only 110 in my senior class) and joined the Army. I got out of the Army in 1994 and entered the police academy, got married, and had 2 kids (currently 23 and 26). Then when 9/11 happened I rejoined the Army and deployed to Nicaraugua in 2005, Iraq in 2007-2008 and in 2010 I took a job with the Defense department as an imbedded tactical trainer for the Afghan Army. I was serving in that capacity when I was seriously wounded by gunshots and shrapnel on 9/25/2011 in Logar Province, Afghanistan. I returned stateside and after 13 surgeries was able to return to my police department where I served as a patrol sergeant, detective sergeant, and drug investigator. I was serving in that capacity when 1/6 happened and I lost my job, and of course my freedom. All told I had almost 25 years in law enforcement and 12 years in military service.

I live on a small hobby farm with my second wife in SW Virginia, where I plan to return and raise goats, chickens, rabbits, bees, and German Shepherds! I had sufficient time in to retire and I have my military disability pay, but of course those are frozen while I am incarcerated.

I am incarcerated for entering the Capitol, disorderly conduct, civil disorder, and obstruction of a congressional proceeding. I received a 87 month sentence.

I like to hunt with traditional archery equipment (stick bow, wooden arrows with turkey feather fletchings that I make myself),  kayak on our local lake and drown worms (I cannot call something I am so bad at actual fishing!!).  My favorite movie of all time is Forrest Gump but my current one they have here is Edge of Tommorrow with Tom Cruise.  My favorite book is like asking me my favorite child...... I have read Tom Clancys Red Storm Rising the most...easily 25 times. Best recently has been The Name of the Wind.  My children are a 23 year old son who is in the Army and going to college for Geospacial engineering and a 26 year old daughter who is a Family Nurse Practicioner at a local hospital.  My favorite place is Home, SW Va.  I'm a child of the mountains and will never be really happy elsewhere.


I would pray that more people wake up and see the evil that is taking over, and see that it has accelerated its timetable.  I would pray for strength to do what is needed, and the wisdom to know what that is.  I pray for men like Washington, Jefferson, and Adams to leave their farms and businesses and lead America back to the right path and pray that we still produce (enough) men who are willing to risk "Their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor" to take back and secure what has been stolen from us.  I pray for the resolve to do what is needed despite personal cost.  The last prayer that I pray every single day, is I prove myself worthy of what the great men before me gave to us, and pass it on to my children, with the stern warning that it must be guarded with jealousy...less it be taken again.

-TJ Robertson


Geoffrey Sills