Nicholas Languerand

Here is Nicholas Languerand’s story in his own words:

Hello, I am a patriot from Vermont. Until very recently, I was the only person from my state to be charged in relation to J6. I was sentenced to 44 months.  I have about 6 months left to do in prison before I will be able to go to a halfway house and home detention.  I have lived in Vermont most of my life and plan on returning there when I get out. I've lived in a number of other states like Florida, Utah, Georgia, and both of the Carolinas.

I spent time in the 82nd Airborne Division in a light airborne infantry unit. I have a 6-1 amateur boxing record and I spent years training youth in boxing and other martial arts. I have been playing musical instruments like the guitar and drums since I was very young. I grew up snowboarding and spending time outdoors, which I still love to do. At home I like to garden and raise chickens and ducks.. I also have a dog and cats who I love dearly.

I was actively involved in the truth community for about 3 years before I got arrested by the FBI in South Carolina. I made it my mission to reach as many people as possible and I know that I had a significant effect on the community around me. I have big plans for when I come home. I am planning on getting married, starting a business, and building a house. I have been working on a comprehensive book that will tell my story and explain a lot of the things that I believe in. Writing the book is one of the most important things for me to do right now and I feel that it is the primary reason why I was put through all of this.

I have had an opportunity to learn some permanent artwork skills since I have been in prison that I also think will play a major role in my life and career going forward. I very much look forward to sharing all of this with the world.

I was being supported by my grandparents and my girlfriend in VT.  My grandparents were taking care of my 3 animals and a lot of my property. Recently, my grandmother Susan passed away. When I got arrested, I was staying with my grandparents in Myrtle Beach. They came to Maryland to visit me in prison 3 times. The last 2 trips, my Gram was on oxygen because she was having problems with her lungs. About a month before they were going to come visit me again, Sue passed away as a result of the complications with her lungs. This has been extremely difficult for me to deal with. It is the first time I've lost a close family member and my Gram was like a mother to me. Now, my grandfather is on his own and has been put under a huge financial burden. My Gram, Susan was really the person that was putting money on my books and making sure I had what I needed in here. My grandfather doesn't know how to do that stuff, and even if he did, he is under a lot of financial pressure with everything that is going on right now.

I am hoping I can get a sponsor to help me get through this time that I have left, but now I need it more than ever. My grandparents were the ones that have always been there for me since I was a baby, but my life is never going to be the same again without my Gram around.  My girlfriend Michele has done everything she can to help me, but all of us are really struggling right now. I know there are people out there willing to lend a helping hand to us J6ers. I've done alright throughout all of this experience, but recently I took a hard loss and it is going to take me a long time to recover from it. Being in prison makes it very difficult to properly grieve for a loved one.

The help of named and unnamed patriots out there has been absolutely invaluable. I am getting close to getting ready to come home. My house has been vandalized and my wood stove and stove pipe stolen since I've been gone. Still, I am going to go back there and make the best of what I have. I am going to do everything it takes to have a good life when I come home. Too many people have invested themselves in my success and wellbeing for me to do anything else. I am a rock solid patriot and I am committed to the truth community for the rest of my life. I am going to leave here and raise a family of patriots and share my message with the world through books, artwork, and music. Thanks to everyone who has been involved in our fight. God wins, and the truth will prevail.

-Nicholas Languerand

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Robert Morss


James Mault